Álvaro De José
Artificial Intelligence in Globeducate British International Schools
One of the key principles of being a Globeducate school is Developing Skills and Competencies; another is Nurturing Global Perspectives. Recognising the transformation to learning, life and all of our futures with the fast pace of development in Artificial Intelligence technology, Globeducate was the first K-12 education group to appoint a Head of AI in September 2023 and to develop a group-wide collaborate approach to:
- Safeguarding policies and training around AI use
- Youth AI Council across Globeducate schools
- Staff training webinars and visits
- Parent information webinars
- Parent-pack for educating about safe and positive use of AI in study and wider usage
- AI-driven data assessment tools for monitoring progress, to support teacher knowledge
Meet our Head of AI – Clara Hawking
Clara Hawking brings her wealth of experience and passion for revolutionising education through artificial intelligence, and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of educational policies, programmes, guidance and training, and curriculum initiatives related to AI in all Globeducate schools.
A prominent figure in the field of EdTech and AI, she has been a featured panelist and workshop leader at numerous global conferences, and she writes frequently in the media on AI in education and the future of education. Clara´s dedication to shaping the future of education through Ai technology and advancing professional development through AI technology and advancing professional development for teachers has earned her acclaim across the education landscape.
Clara holds a Master of Computer Science from the University of Stockholm, then further specialising in AI at Master Level, which has equipped her with a keen understanding of the ethical implications of AI technology in education. She also holds a Master´s degree in Practical Philosophy and Applied Ethics, a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a Master of Theology in Peace and Conflict Resolution, and a Ph. D candidacy in Political Philosophy and Psychology. She also holds an executive certificate in Accelerating Digital Innovation from the Stockholm School of Economics. Furthermore, and aligning strongly with Globeducate´s commitment to addressing the United Nations Global Goals, Clara has a passion for volunteering, which is evident through her role a voluntary Director of ICT and Digitalisation at an educational organisation in Kenya.
Hi! Ai Global Competition
Starting with an initial phase 1 in 12 schools across Globeducate, students from Early Years to High School age embarked on a pioneering AI challenge called Hi!Ai during the 2023-24 academic year, with a virtual showcase event hosted by Agora Portals International School, Mallorca, in May 2024. Students engaged in this project collaborate across all age groups, delving into the realms of research, design, engineering and ethics, creating their own AI brains powered with knowledge students have researched about a famous historical figure.
Daniel Jones, Chief Education Officer for Globeducate:
“AI is not merely an exciting add-on or trend – it is now an integral part of both our working and students´lives. The hi!ai project not only unites students of diverse ages and nationalities in collaborative learning but also supports teaches in their professional development in the field of AI. Our students and teachers who take part in this project are trailblazers, set to inspire others.”
Emma (Year 6), Charlotte (Year 12) and Izzy (Year 13) are part of the Stonar School Hi!Ai team who have been tasked with documenting the work on the project. They said:
“This project is all about recognising the importance of the AI developments and how it could impact our education. It has been a great opportunity for us to explore this transformative technology by engaging artificial intelligence and applying them to real life settings.
“This project has been providing us with a unique foundation into AI technology, and this will help us to stand out when it comes to applying for jobs in the future. It is also helping to give our teachers an insight into how they can start to introduce AI into education in a positive way.”
Globeducate on AI in the Press
Leading a global school group´s response to AI, Clara Hawking, Times Educational Supplement
Podcast: The rise of AI – how global schools respond – Daniel Jones, Times Educational Supplement
Head of AI at Globeducate discusses the impact on schools, Clara Hawking, School House Magazine
Should we learn AI in school? Clara Hawking, First News – children´s newspaper
Blyth Academy hosts Clara Hawking – Landmark event to champion AI Learning in Education